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FUNCTION  SetWinColor(ColorString) Set the window border colors
          SetTxtColor(ColorString) Set the window text colors

     Both the SetWinColor() and SetTxtColor() functions are used to
change the default help window colors.  The SetWinColor() will set the
default window colors using the standard SETCOLOR color codes for
compatibility.  The order of the color fields are as follows:

          Standard       All screen output commands and functions
          Enhanced       GETs and selection highlights
          Border         Border around screen, not supported on EGA and VGA
          Background     Not supported
          Unselected     Unselected GETs

     See your Clipper reference manual or Norton Guides file for a
reference of valid colors.

     The SetTxtColor() function will change the colors with-in the
help window.  This color will be used from then on until the next
SetWinColor() or SetTxtColor() function call.

RETURNS   Current Text or Window colors.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson